Introverted, HSP, and Neurodivergent Counsellor

Hi, I’m Cameron Grunbaum, but you can call me Cam – your neurodivergent counsellor. My desire to support others through counselling began with first becoming aware of my own personal suffering and then slowly but surely figuring out ways of getting myself through the tough times – help (professional and non professional) throughout these trials and tribulations was essential. Much of the suffering I have experienced and have witnessed in others relates to being a male-identified introvert and highly sensitive person (HSP; a form of neurodivergence) in a more-so extroverted and non-sensitive society. Unsure if you are HSP? Check out this HSP website to complete a self-assessment to determine if your personal experience aligns with the qualities of this trait.

Picture of counsellor from Iron Tree Counselling

Neurodivergent Challenges

Growing up in a world not developed for HSP’s and/or introverts, especially as a man, I have experienced the unique and oftentimes subtle challenges that men with similar experiences go through. For instance, struggling to focus, needing more alone time than others, feeling responsible for everyone and everything, excessively people pleasing, chronic guilt, and always putting others first are experiences I am very familiar with.

Other Personal Experiences:

  • Feeling disinterested in some of the stereotypical male activities that are strongly encouraged in society
  • Self-blaming for not being able to ‘keep up’ with others in your social group
  • Feel as though you don’t quite fit in, are just different than others, and struggle to understand how and why
  • Losing your self in relationships and resenting your loved ones due to your perceptions that they don’t reciprocate what you need
  • Struggling to stay motivated and committed to particular goals and desires – constantly changing your mind and struggling with follow-through

You’re Not Alone

There is a different way – you can learn to be true to yourself and not put aside your own needs/desires/wishes. It’s possible to start learning how to take up space in your life, while pursuing your goals with commitment and tenacity. All of this is possible while being empathetic, confident, and attuned to your loved ones and yourself, in fact it is more than possible, it’s essential.

How I Can Help

As a neurodivergent counsellor, my combined professional and personal experiences with struggling and adapting to these traits and symptoms allows me to provide a unique ability to support men like you. That being said, I have experience in helping many different people from all walks of life – extroverted, ambiverted, non-HSP, or somewhere in between (Counselling Approaches and Expertise). Counselling neurodivergent men is just one of my specialties.

Overall, regardless of the reason for reaching out, I am here to help you along your personal journey of discovery and growth. We are all humans, and thus share our need for connection, belonging, and care along the ever-changing and oftentimes difficult path that lies ahead of us in our own lives.

Professional Training, Experience, And Certifications

I am a Certified Canadian Counsellor (CCC) and a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) providing confidential and secure counselling services through video or phone (Telehealth). The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) and the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC) are my licensing bodies. I provide services to those living in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Yellowknife, and the Northwest Territories.

Education and Credentials

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Human Kinetics with a second major in Psychology from the University of British Columbia (UBC).
  • Master’s Degree: Counselling Psychology from Simon Fraser University (SFU).

Professional Experience

  • Non-Profit Work: Supported adults with acquired brain injuries (ABI) and street-entrenched individuals, helping them lead desired lives despite significant barriers.
  • Post-Secondary Setting: Assisted graduate and undergraduate students with anxiety, impostor syndrome, anger, depression, relationship issues, self-esteem, and identity exploration.
  • Unionized Construction Workers: Worked with men experiencing complex trauma, substance use issues, relationship difficulties, emotional dysregulation, and stress management.

Current Focus

Working in private practice as a neurodivergent counsellor provides me the ability to specialize in supporting adult men with neurodivergent struggles, anxiety, depression, guilt, anger, low self-esteem, and difficulties in expressing and understanding emotions in relationships. My clients often face emotional pain and fear when developing autonomy and genuine emotional connection in their important relationships. They also struggle to understand and integrate the powers of their neurodivergence into their lives.

Learn More

To learn more about my professional experience, visit my LinkedIn page.

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